Monday, October 15, 2012

Broken Fingers

I broke my finger today.  In history class.  But that's ok, my friends and I fixed it with Elmer's glue and a purple ribbon.

Here's a picture:
 See, all better^^.
Alright, show of hands, who thought I broke my actual finger?  If you did, then my mission is fulfilled.
Now, some of you are probably wondering about my last post.  Why would a zombie choose unicorns?  Well, when you think about it logically, zombies are dead people who add you to their ranks if they bite you, and actually really scary in large groups.  They're often said to bring about the apocalypse.  Unicorns, on the other hand, are magical horses with sharp pointy horns sticking out of their heads and amazing healing abilities.  If a zombie got in a fight with a unicorn, there is no way the zombie could win.  The unicorn would just keep healing itself, giving it enough time to thoroughly impale the zombie if it so desired.
That said, I try to stay away from unicorns.


  1. Hell yes we fixed it!

    Ah. Much more sense now.

  2. This is awesome. I like your blog.

  3. ...Good...atleast there is logic in this blog...
